Five-Roll Refiners
type HFR
Experience efficiency redefined with our new Five-Roll system, reaching a throughput of up to 1,550 kg/h. Benefit from a remarkable up to 30% reduction in energy consumption per tonne of chocolate. Our groundbreaking design features a 20% optimized machine footprint, a revolutionary adjustment system for automatic throughput optimization, and an integrated Stripe Detection Cockpit (SDC) for real-time performance data and summary shift reports.
The automatic roller gap setting and proven back-pressure system of our five-roll refiners, type HFR provide:
- Maximal throughput of up to 1,550 kg/h with a reduced energy consumption of up to 30% per ton of chocolate.
- The revolutionary fineness adjustment system combines differential speed and gap adjustment within a particle range of 12 to 76 microns
- Continuously optimize throughput with our Throughput Optimization Cockpit (TOC), maintaining target fineness and obtaining real-time performance data and summary shift reports through the integrated Stripe Detection Cockpit (SDC)
- Unparalleled process safety achieved through an automatic hydraulic system, coupled with a proven back-pressure device, enabling in-process gap and differential speed adjustments
- Optimal space usage based on 20 % less machine footprint compared to comparable machines
- High speed roller tempering device for optimal film coverage and maximum operation efficiency
- Hygienic design with stainless steel storage hopper, discharge chute and stainless steel processing zone
- optional 100% fineness monitoring of the entire working width of the roll and automatic fineness control with our Fineness Measuring Unit, type HMB
¹Thanks to the increased diameter of the 2 top rolls significantly improved refining efficiency is guaranteed. 3 units of our high-performance HFR 180S can replace 4 units of standard 1800 mm five-roll refiners or reflect a capacity of 3 x 2500 mm five roll refiner
Fineness Measuring Unit
type HMB
Our five-roll refiners, type HFS can be equipped with our Fineness Measuring Unit, type HMB.
The measurement principle is based on the direct correlation between throughput and fineness of a refiner. By measuring the throughput at the discharge chute the final fineness can be exactly determined over the entire roll length.
The Fineness Measuring Unit with a weighing belt fixed on 2 load cells on each side of the refiner provides:
- 100% monitoring of the fineness over the entire length of the roll
- best-in-class fineness accurancy ± 1 µm
- online control of the fineness with automatic adjustment of feeding gap in case of fineness deviations
- automatic correction of missallignments during gap calibration